Unsere Experten

Hilary Smith

International Client Relations, Extraordinary Conceptions

Hilary Smith

Hilary is the UK based, International Client Relations Consultant for Extraordinary Conceptions Agency. Part of Hilary's role is to support, educate and guide intended parents through the process of surrogacy and egg donation in North America, as well as to develop and grow more accessible options internationally. Hilary has over 15 years of nursing experience with almost a decade in reproductive health and infertility. Her passion for this very particular area of fertility began almost a decade ago when she worked as a Surrogacy and Egg donor Nurse Coordinator at an IVF clinic in Canada. Hilary's passion to assist more intended parents globally inspired her to relocate to the United Kingdom where she has been able to pursue her desire to provide more accessible options for intended parents who require a surrogate or donor to build their family.



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